DAWN analysis

The users can investigate the relationship between categories and identify the specific type of categories that are clustered within the network of categories of interest.

  • -e, –eig_vector: Eigen vector file. This is the output file from calculation of effective number of tests. The file name must have pattern *eig_vecs*.zarr.

  • -c, –corr_mat: Category correlation matrix file. This is the output file from categorization. The file name must have pattern *correlation_matrix*.pkl.

  • -P, –permut_test: Permutation test file. This is the output file from burden test. The file name must have pattern *permutation_test*.txt.gz.

  • -o_dir, –output_directory: Path to the directory where the output files will be saved. By default, outputs will be saved at $CWAS_WORKSPACE.

  • -r, –range: Range (i.e., (start,end)) to find optimal K for k-means clustering. It must contain two integers that are comma-separated. The first integer refers to the start number and must be above 1. The second integer refers to the end.

  • -k, –k_val: K for K-means clustering. With this argument, users can determine K manually. -r and -k arguments are mutually exclusive. If -k is given, -r will be ignored.

  • -s, –seed: Seed value for t-SNE. Same seed will generate same results for the same inputs.

  • -T, –tsen_method: Gradient calculation algorithm for t-SNE, which is used in TSNE of sklearn. If the dataset is large, ‘barnes_hut’ is recommended. By default, exact.

  • -t, –tag: Tag used for the name of the output files. By default, None.

  • -c_count, –cat_count: Path of the categories counts file from burden test.

  • -C, –count_threshold: The treshold of variant (or sample) counts. The least amount of variants a category should have.

  • -R, –corr_threshold: The threshold of correlation values between clusters. Computed by the mean value of correlation values of categories within a cluster.

  • -S, –size_threshold: The threshold of the number of categories per cluster. The least amount of categories a cluster should have.

  • -p, –num_proc: Number of worker processes that will be used for the DAWN analysis. By default, 1.

cwas dawn -e INPUT_EIG_VEC \
-o_dir OUTPUT_DIR \
-r 2,500 \
-s 123 \
-t test \
-c_count CATEGORY_COUNTS.txt \
-C 20 \
-R 0.7 \
-S 2 \
-p 8